Investment and Packages

Platinum Package


Advertise for an entire year including;

3 - Quarter Page Advertisements
3 - Half Page Advertisements
3 - Full Page Advertisements
2 Features

Gold Package


Showcasing your business through a Heartheld year of beautiful reoccurring quarter page advertisements

11 quarter page advertisements

Silver Package


A fun trio of advertisements in three consecutive months.


1 - Quarter Page Advertisement
1 - Half Page Advertisement
1 - Full Page Advertisement

Heartheld Guarantee

designed to make a difference

Experience the gift of effective advertising with Heartheld Magazine. Your advertising dollars matter, and we're dedicated to ensuring they reach the right community.

We curate and design our advertising to tell your story and support you in tangible ways, authentic ways, truly making a difference.

With our 100% money-back guarantee, we proudly stand behind our commitment to your success.

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heartheld portfolio

curious about advertising in heartheld?

Take a look through past advertisements we have curated along the way.